
Cotton is one of the main crops in Brazilian agribusiness
and one of the most versatile. Various products are obtained
from it, such as oil, inputs for animal feed and the textile sector.


Brazil is the fourth largest producer and second largest exporter of cotton fiber in the world.

What do you need to know

The cotton crop requires high levels of nutrients such as nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) to improve vigor and yield.

The cotton crop is very demanding in nitrogen (N). The total amounts of nitrogen extracted by the cotton plant to produce a ton of seed cotton, found in the literature, are in the range of 48 to 85 kg of N. The peak of nitrogen (N) uptake occurs between the first and second week of plant development, which corresponds to about 60 days of emergence, indicating that this is the limit for applying all the nitrogen in the cotton crop.

To obtain greater efficiency in the use of nitrogen fertilization, Cibra recommends Nitrocap, which is a fertilizer with a high concentration of nitrogen, ideal for providing lower losses by volatilization by increasing nitrogen (N) absorption. The efficiency of nitrogen fertilization results in greater plant productivity and vigor.

For the cotton plant to produce a ton of seed cotton, phosphorus is extracted in the range of 13 to 25 kg of P2O5. Phosphorus (P) is an important nutrient for increasing early root development and anticipation of capsule establishment and fiber maturity. Potassium (K) is absorbed in large amounts by the cotton plant and is important for increasing maturity, fiber length and reducing premature senescence.

To provide these nutrients, Cibra recommends the BaseFort fertilizer, which also provides sulfur in its formulation, another macronutrient that the cotton crop requires, which is important for increasing productivity.

Principais Deficiências

Main Deficiencies

Pragas do algodão

Pragas das raízes do algodoeiro,
pragas das folhas e hastes
pragas das estruturas frutíferas.

  • Broca-da-raiz
    Eutinobothrus brasiliensis
  • Percevejo-castanho
    Scaptocoris castanea e S. brachiariae
  • Lagarta-rosca
    Agrotis ipsilon
  • Lagarta falsa-medideira
    Chrysodeixis includens
  • Pulgão
    Aphis gossypii
  • Mosca-branca
    Bemisia tabaci e Bemisia tabaci biótipo B
  • Tripes
    Frankliniella schultzei e Caliothrips brasiliensis
  • Ácaro-rajado
    Tetranychus urticae
  • Ácaro-vermelho
    Tetranychus ludeni
  • Ácaro-branco
    Polyphagotarsonemus latus
  • Curuquerê-do-algodoeiro
    Alabama argillacea
  • Bicudo-do-algodoeiro
    Anthonomus grandis
  • Lagarta-das-maçãs
    Heliothis virescens
  • Lagarta spodoptera
    Spodoptera frugiperda
  • Lagarta helicoverpa
    Helicoverpa armigera
  • Lagarta-rosada
    Pectinophora gossypiella
  • Percevejo-rajado
    Horcias nobilellus
  • Percevejo-manchador
    Dysdercus sp.
  • Percevejo-verde
    Nezara viridula
  • Percevejo-marrom
    Euschistus heros
  • Percevejo-verde-pequeno
    Piezodorus guildinii


Entre os patógenos causadores de tombamento
podem-se destacar os fungos dos gêneros
Colletotrichum, Fusarium, Pythium e Rhizoctonia
(sendo este último o mais importante).

  • Ramulose
    Colletotrichum gossypii var. Cephalosporioides
  • Mancha angular
    Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. Malvacearum
  • Mancha alvo ou mancha de corinéspora
    Corynespora cassiicola
  • Mancha branca ou mancha de ramulária
    Ramularia aréola
  • Mancha-de-mirotécio
    Myrothecium roridum
  • Manchas de alternária e estefilium
    Alternaria sp e Stemphylium solani
  • Mofo branco
    Sclerotinia sclerotiorum
  • Murcha de fusarium
    Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Vasinfectum
  • Doença Azul
    Doença de natureza virótica cujo agente causal ainda não foi descrito. A doença tem como vetor o pulgão Aphis gossypii.
  • Nematoides
    Especialmente os do gênero Meloidogyne, Rotylenchus e Pratylenchus.
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